North Central WV Home Builders Association
North Central WV Home Builders Association is your trusted source for the information you need to help your business thrive.
Stay up-to-date with accurate news and updates you can rely on to make the best decisions for your future.
Best in WV 2021 Building Award
NAHB Professional Women in Building Week
Walmart Registry for Good
We have a NEW tool to help the NCWVHBA Christmas Toy Fund! With the help of Walmart, we have created a Registry For Good for those who would like to purchase toys (or gift cards) to donate towards our annual Toy Fund (see the history here: )
Here is the direct link to our registry:
2020 Toy Fund Shopping Spree!
The NCWVHBA would like to give a hardy THANK YOU to everyone who contributed, participated, or otherwise helped to make this year’s Toy Fund a success!!