North Central West Virginia Home Builders Association
Your membership in the North Central West Virginia Home Builders Association (NCWVHBA) regional chapter includes automatic, full membership in both the statewide Home Builders Association of West Virginia (HBAWV) and the nationwide National Association of Home Builders (NAHB). Members enjoy access to an extensive range of valuable benefits designed to help your business thrive while supporting the industry and local communities we serve.
Burdensome and overbearing governmental regulations often pose a threat to the livelihood of our members, as well as affordable housing initiatives that serve our most vulnerable community members. We recognize this threat and work to provide advocacy and support to help defeat excessive overregulation of the housing industry at the local, state, and federal levels. Our members are kept well-informed with prompt updates and alerts on relevant legislative and regulatory actions.
-NAHB maintains a powerful presence before legislators and regulatory agencies on Capitol Hill with our full-time registered lobbyist.
-The NAHB Legal Action Fund offers valuable litigation services for builders, developers, and our regional and state trade associations.
Since 1942, NAHB has been the nationwide leader providing access to resources delivering reliable, up-to-date news and critical information about the housing industry. Our members enjoy ready access to useful e-newsletters, listservs, exclusive website content, bulletins, special reports, marketing tools, and a wide range of online and offline trade publications. In addition, our members are authorized to use the NAHB logo in their advertising materials.
Trade Tools & Publications
The housing industry is a dynamic field subject to rapid changes. We help our members stay informed with access to the latest trade industry publications offering useful knowledge including developments in the housing industry and industry-specific content tailored to segments including Commercial Building Trades, Remodeling, Sales & Marketing, and many others. In addition, our members enjoy complimentary access to DODGE Data & Analytics’ Sweets™ suite – including their comprehensive building and manufacturing product database, SmartMarket Reports, productivity tools including the construction bidding software Request for Quotes (RFQ) and Request for Proposal (RFP), access to project leads, and many other resources designed to increase your business’s efficiency and productivity.
- Monday Morning Briefing
- Eye on the Economy
- Washington Update
- Nation’s Building News
(full online access to a comprehensive weekly news summary of the housing industry) - FREE Subscription to Builder Magazine*
*Builder and architect members will receive Builder Magazine automatically. Associate members must contact Hanley-Wood directly at 888-269-8410 to subscribe.
We are proud to provide our members access to an extensive network of more than 200,000 industry professionals from all relevant fields both locally and nationwide. Networking opportunities include in-person local receptions and monthly membership meetings, regional trade shows, national committees, special interest councils, and opportunities to meet, engage, and build strong working relationships with fellow industry professionals, suppliers, and customers.
- Nationwide Membership Directory
- Sales & Marketing Opportunities
- Membership Meetings
- Educational Seminars
- Golf Tournaments
- Industry Home Shows
- Community Projects
- Special Events
The housing market is a highly competitive field. Success often hinges on your degree of specialization, skill, and knowledge. Our members are able to access hundreds of nationally recognized educational programs that offer the tools needed to gain a competitive edge. These prestigious traditional and online educational programs feature valuable curriculum in courses, lectures, conferences, webinars, and classes taught by professionals and experts across all specialties. You can learn everything from how to effectively reduce costs and deal with the toughest business-related issues to boosting your success and taking your profit margins to the next level.
- NAHB National Green Building Standard Certification
- Extensive Library of Print & Online Resources
- Online Educational Programs
- Professional Classes
- The Chairman’s Update Video Series
Our members have instant and ongoing access to NAHB’s team of expert advisors. With industry professionals on hand across a wide spectrum of disciplines, you can get reliable answers to your most pressing business-related questions at no cost! This valuable service can help address many issues in advance – before they become unmanageable – so you can avoid concerns and maximize your productivity and long-term success.
- Economists
- Legal Research Staff
- Financial Experts
- Librarians
- Regulatory & Technical Specialists

Keep your business ahead of the curve with the most advanced building products, services, processes, and technology. Improve your business offerings by accessing the latest innovations directly from industry vendors. Our members receive discounted admission to the International Builders’ Show™ (IBS) – an unparalleled business-building experience – and many other local, regional, state and national expositions and trade shows throughout the year.
Leadership Opportunities
Our members are able to achieve professional recognition with access to numerous leadership opportunities through NAHB – one of the most highly respected and well-known trade associations in the nation. Attend your membership meetings regularly, participate, become a Spike, become a congressional contact, teach a class, work on a community service project, and get involved with one or more additional opportunities to strengthen your professional credibility and magnify your visibility in the industry.
Join a Committee:
- Membership Committee
- Associate Member Committee
- Government Affairs Awards Committee
- Public Relations Committee
- Events Committee
Join a Council:
- 50+ Housing Council
- Building Systems Council
- Commercial Council
- Multifamily Council
- NAHB Remodelers Council
- National Sales & Marketing Council
- Professional Women in Building Council
Members are recognized for their individual and business service and accomplishments at awards programs hosted at the local and state levels.
- Best of West Virginia Award
- Builder of the Year Award
- Associate Member of the Year Award
- Henry E. King Builder of the Year Award
- Spike Awards
- Meritorious Service Award
- Presidential Awards
- Richard B. Yoder Community Service Award
Your NCWVBA regional chapter, statewide HBAWV, and nationwide NAHB host many seminars, workshops, networking opportunities and events for members.
We have listed a few of the largest events below.

Member Discounts
Our members are eligible to enjoy exceptional savings designed to significantly reduce daily business operating expenses. Thanks to NAHB’s 200,000+ membership and extensive purchasing power, you can access valuable discounts on many of the products and services you use the most. From office products, overnight delivery, and payroll service to car rentals and much more, your NCWVHBA membership entitles you to a return on your investment that includes business discounts you can appreciate every day.
HBAWV Builder & Remodeler Member Rebate Program
The HBAWV Builder & Remodeler Member Rebate Program is included with your membership. This valuable benefit alone is often more than enough to cover your annual membership dues! No receipts are required for eligible purchases from more than 50 leading manufacturers including Fypon, Leviton, TimberTech, Delta, Bryant, and dozens more brands.
Join Us!
We invite you to join more than 200,000 of your fellow housing professionals. Support the industry that supports your business! We proudly offer access to a wide range of supportive services designed to help you achieve success, affect positive change in your community, and achieve recognition as a leader in your field. Our members include multi-family and custom residential and commercial builders, remodelers, suppliers, and members representing all aspects of the housing industry.